Thursday, December 17, 2009

"An empty mind is not a vessel to be files, but a fire to be kindled"- Plutarch

"I think Crab, my dog, be the sourest natured dog that lives."-William Shakespeare Two Gentlemen from Verona

"the only certainty is that nothing is certain" -pliny the elder

"powerlessness and silence go together"-Margaret Atwood

Friday, November 20, 2009

Free Text Friday
Every year in the US, 625 people are struck by lightning.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Free Text Friday

The tentacles of the giant Arctic jellyfish can reach 120 feet (36.6 meters) in length

Friday, November 6, 2009

Free Text Friday

"Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."
-William Butler Yeats

Friday, October 16, 2009

A new Free Text Friday.

This week's quote :

"Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy."
-Thich Nhat Hanh

Note: I apologize if the quality is not the greatest I'm still having issues uploading photoshop files

Friday, October 9, 2009


YAY!!!! I got it to work. sorta.... Well at least you can get an idea of what the original looked it.

Good Greif...

Hey everyone. Here's my new Free Text Friday Illustration...but....there's a bit of a problem. EVERY time i try to load my image i get this one where the pallet is mostly reds. Well this was not the pallet that the actual file is in. it should be blues. But for some reason blogger or whoever the culperate may be is changing the color. i will try to fix the problem but for now ill post this here so everyone can see the illustration (and to kinda prove that i did do it XD) well hope you can see the actual file later.


"A book must be an ice-axe to break the sea frozen inside us" -Kafka

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

Free Text Friday #3

Another Free Text Friday, this weeks quote is:

" In spite of a sluggish economy, US wine consumption registered it's 14th consecutive annual gain 2007 , as American's drank more wine than Italians for the first time ever and now trail only the French in total wine consumption"
-Wine Spectator

Friday, September 25, 2009

Free Text Friday

This weeks quote:

"A portion of the water you drink has already been drunk by someone else, maybe several times over."
-- University of Texas School of Public Health, "Fun Food Facts"

Friday, September 18, 2009

" Free Text Fridays"

This is my first "Free Text Friday" post, which is a project where each of my classmates does an illustration to represent a quote for that week. For now my "Free Text Friday" illustrations will be posted here, but as soon as I can figure it out I will find a way to make it more organized so that it will be easier to find.

This week the "Free Text Friday" quote is :
"nothing measurable matters"
- e. e. cummings

Monday, February 2, 2009


¬¬.....*sigh* sitting late at the art building....trying to print pictures out for a reference for a drawing project that i should have started a while ago ^^;;;. But regardless I'm sick of the stupid printer system in this building. I was so happy that we finally got new computers to replace the 1998pos's that were running software ten years too new for it. But you would think while they're at it they could replace the 1998 windows Dell that controlls the printers. Why not use one of the slightly better computers that you replaced?!?!?!?!!??!....GRRRRRRR!!!!!.......* trying to find her happy place*.....well i guess we can't have everything .... so while i wait i am sitting here blogging....are you happy UCONN ... you've caused me to blogg!!!!!!

AAAAANNNY WHOOO... for those who've listened to me ramble this far....

I've been thinking about starting up some new side projects. So i was browsing in a comic book store in between class ( yes she blogs and goes to comic stores!) and i picked up a few new editions of comics that i had read before or decided i wanted to look into. I noticed some nice styles of artwork and i wanted to look into the process in making work using similar methods. ( not as in trying to seal their style but just to experiment around with ) I wish i had them with me to write down their names, but i don't so ill do that later. So once i do I'll post again. maybe even with some stuff of my own that i started. I did want to start getting art work up on here ^^;;...

'til next time =^.^=

P.s. Included on top is a picture i found that I think well describes what i wish i could do to these school printers.....

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Origami World

If you think of this in the context of my previous post, this could be the representation of what will bring peace to this world. By everyone making that consious decision to change. ^_^

Charrette Project 2009 UCONN

This is the info and some pictures related to my Charrette Project ( I swear I will one day be able to spell that without looking at my notebook >_<)

1.) Define something you want to change in your life: 
Something I want to change about myself is to re-connect with myself and my passion for my art.. I feel that since College and working several jobs at once I have not given myself time to do what I really want to do, and do projects I really want to do. So I plan to give myself some time every day to do projects just for myself and also revisit projects that I told myself I would one day finish.

2.) What do you want to change at the University?:
What I want to change at the University is the segregation of majors. I feel that as you get further in your studies you tend to stick either with those you've been with since Freshman year or with those you see everyday in your department. But in reality every major and profession will need each other someday, even if indirectly. So i wish that there were a way that art students could work with science majors, music majors with the business school, and psychology with engineering majors. Even though it is a difficult feat, it would be nice if different majors could interact with respect the effort they put into their own work rather then criticize and demean. 

3.) What do you want to change in the world?
As much as I want to say I want to change hatred, war, and crime, I think what I want is for everyone to stop, take a look around, and think about everything their doing for one minute. Then maybe someone might think twice about any type of destructive decision, and that could bring us a little closer to peace. 

4.) Research an image that epitomizes change for you. 
I chose a picture of Origami directions because it showsthe process of changing a piece of paper to an art form. I feel this shows my view of change becasue the piece of paper could never change without the active decision of a person to make that cjange. I feel that is the basis of any type of change, THE DECISION TO CHANGE AND MAKE IT HAPPEN.

5.) Research a text quote that epitomizes change for you. 
" Life can either be accepted or changed. If it is not accepted, it must be changed. If it cannot be changed, it must be accepted." -unknown

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Hey I'm Jenn. To be honest I've never really was interested in blogging, nor did (do) i really understand what it is exactly ^^''. But hey here i am starting one with my class so i guess it's worth a start. XD. So hello, welcome, and I hope you ...i dunno...have fun ^_^.